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Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School accomplishes its mission through the 6 Es:

  1. Evaluation: Student Transportation Tallies, Car Counts, Parent Surveys
  2. Education: Bike and Pedestrian Safety Education Classes, Learn to Ride programming in schools, Learn to Ride events open to the public.
  3. Encouragement: Walk+Bike Challenge Month, Bike Buses and Walking School Busses.
  4. Engineering: Infrastructure improvements (bike racks, crosswalks, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc.)
  5. Equity: Our program strives to distribute Safe Routes to School planning, resources and educational programming equitably across the Eugene-Springfield region. We strive to incorporate equity into each of the other Es listed.
  6. Engagement: Learn from families, school staff, and community partners. Spend time listening to learn what community members value. Participate in school and community events to share the work of Safe Routes to School. Engage community members in volunteer opportunities.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the school district's background check online form and the Safe Routes to School Volunteer Form.



Walking Maps Available

Walking maps are now available for every Springfield school! The maps are designed to help families select routes for their student to walk to school. Recommended routes typically have sidewalks and protected street crossings, or use low-traffic neighborhood streets. 

Get a walking map for your school


Biking Maps

Download biking maps of Eugene and Springfield.

Get a biking map

Contact Safe Routes to School
Jack Blashchishen
Safe Routes to School Coordinator