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District Transportation

SPS Bus for Mt. Vernon picking-up children

Bus drivers are the first contact many students have with school each morning and the last contact they have each afternoon. Our goal is to make that experience a safe, positive and caring one for all students.

Every day, our skilled drivers welcome hundreds of students, providing safe and economical transportation to and from school, co-curricular and extra-curricular events.

Transportation Basics

Springfield Public Schools operates transportation services for elementary students who live more than 1 mile from their schools and for secondary (middle and high school) students who live more than 1.5 miles from their schools, as required by state law.

Many students with special needs qualify for special transportation if they cannot access school without it. Special transportation must be included in the child’s individualized education plan (IEP).

Only children eligible for transportation services will be transported. Parents may not ride buses with their students. Children who are not in school are not allowed to ride the bus. It is Springfield Public Schools' goal to provide safe and economical student transportation.

There are responsibilities and rules for each member involved in the transportation system: staff, students and parents. We ask parents to become familiar with the rules and procedures and discuss them with their child.

Register for Transportation

Eligible students must be registered for transportation services each year. 

Bus registration for 2024-25 is now open. In addition to enrolling for school each year, students eligible to ride the bus will need to be registered to ride the bus for each school year. 

Temporary Rider Permits


If the student is not an eligible bus rider and the parent wishes to have the student ride the bus for other reasons, such as day care, the parent may request a Temporary Rider Permit.

Families may submit a Temporary Rider Permit request for 2024-25 now. Temporary Rider Permit requests will be reviewed and families notified of their status beginning in October 2024.


Temporary Rider Permit Request

Solicitud de Permiso Temporal de Pasajero


Bus Passes

Registered bus riders will receive an electronic student badge that can easily be attached to their backpack and will be scanned as they enter and exit the bus each trip. The scanner will allow parents and the transportation department accurate information about when a student enters the bus and where they exit the bus on their assigned route. 

The use of the bus pass is required and all registered bus riders will automatically be enrolled in the program, however, parents and guardians who wish to opt their student out of RFID tracking can print and return the below form to their student's school or the transportation office. 

RFID Opt-out Form


Stopfinder App

The Stopfinder App provides families with information about your student's bus schedule at anytime from anywhere. 

Stopfinder will require an invite and registration from Transportation Services prior to accessing your student's transportation schedule. Please watch for a Stopfinder invitation, which will be sent to your primary email address on file in ParentVue.

Stopfinder can be downloaded for free from Google Play or the Apple Store.

Google Play button


Learn more about Stopfinder and how to use it


Finding My Route

Bus route information is available at each school, the transportation office and online. Bus routes and stop times may be adjusted at any time. Be advised that the PM bus stop times listed are approximate due to unforeseen traffic, weather, etc. If your child fails to return home at his/her expected time, please contact the school first. 

Early release drop times will be two hour and 20 minutes earlier than the regular drop time.

Bus route information is available online through Infofinder. This web-based service enables you to find school and bus route information by typing in your street address. You can also register to receive notifications sent out by the Transportation Department. 

Not sure if your student is eligible for bus transportation? Contact Transportation Services at 541-744-6373.

Infofinder bus route information for the 2024-25 school year will be available in early September 2024. Please be aware that it is not unusual for bus routes to be adjusted slightly in the first weeks of the school year as late registering students are added.


Snow Routes

Each year, Springfield Public Schools reviews all district bus routes and creates snow routes. Snow routes generally avoid the higher elevations and roads that are traditionally unsafe to travel during snow or freezing weather events. 

Snow Routes


Safe Routes to School

Eugene-Springfield Safe Routes to School promotes the use of active and shared transportation to and from schools throughout the Eugene Springfield area. Safe Routes to School provides walking and biking maps as well as bike instruction.

Safe Routes to School


Students and Parents

Springfield Public Schools has established a code of conduct and disciplinary procedure to ensure that students comply with safety rules while using the transportation system. The code of conduct includes a list of rules adopted by the Oregon Department of Education, as well as a list of additional rules adopted by the District. The code of conduct and procedures can be found in Board Policy EEACC.  Students and their parents should familiarize themselves with the Board Policy.

The following items are not allowed on the bus: animals, glass containers, aerosol cans, skateboards, fishing poles, snowboards, large musical instruments, hockey or lacrosse sticks, weapons or look-alike weapons, golf clubs, helium balloons, skis, shovels or laser pens.

Roller blades and shoes with wheels must be transported in a duffel bag or backpack. Craft projects must be in a bag or box. Any item used in an unsafe manner may be confiscated and the student must bring a parent to the Transportation Department office to retrieve it.