Calvary Open Bible Church
1116 Centennial Blvd.
Various resources
John and Diane Poet 541-747-7125
Centro Latino Americano
944 W 5th Ave. Eugene
Maria Paz Aquirre 541-687-2667 Is a bilingual, multicultural agency that serves Latino families in Lane County with Community Resources.
Child and Adolescent Network
Community Partner Northwood Christian Church
2425 Harvest Lane
Jill Noble: 541-746-2790
Direction Service
1144 Gateway Loop, Suite 200, Springfield Oregon, 97477
Amber Andrews 541-686-5060 aandrews@directionservice.org
Downtown Languages
532 C st., Spfld
Fernanda Martinez 541-686-8438
Pilas Family Literacy Program
Family Tech Info Webpage from Tech Services
M-F 8 am-5 pm
Hosea Youth Services
834 Monroe St, Eugene, OR 97402
Drop-in shelter open M, W, TH 4:30-6:30 (laundry, showers, meals, clothing)
Looking Glass - New Roads
941 W 7th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Drop-in shelter for youth 16-21
Looking Glass - Station 7
Migrant Education Program
1200 HWY 99 N, Eugene Other
Ana Quintero-Arias: 541-461-8311
Ophelia's Place
Runs girls groups and staff training.
Yuki Roberts Yuki@opheliasplace.net
Oregon Department of Human Services
2885 Chad Dr. Eugene, OR 97408
Maritza Y. Herrera maritza.y.herrera@dhsoha.state.or.us
HMS is a partner of the ASPIRE program that supports with some funds and materials for college & career readiness.
Lorianne Ellis lorianne.m.ellis@hecc.oregon.gov
Safety Net
Wrap-around case management with support from a variety of outside agencies including DHS, Direction Service, LCBH, DYS and other local community partners
Tim Canter: 541-501-3129
Springfield Faith Center
600 Hayden Bridge Way, 97477
Bill MacDonald Billymacr2@comcast.net school supplies & backpacks, volunteers for registration day, monthly food pantry, and special events as needed. Holiday resources.