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National School Lunch Week Oct. 9-13

National School Lunch Week Oct. 9-13
Allison McGowan

Springfield Public Schools recognizes the impact that Nutrition Services has on the success of Every Student, Every Day during National School Lunch Week, Oct. 9-13.

President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week in 1962 to recognize the impact that a healthy school lunch has on students inside and outside the classroom.

Children with hungry bellies cannot focus and learn and for some, the meals provided at school are critical as they face food insecurity at home.

All students in Springfield Public Schools are provided with a free breakfast and lunch in the 203-2024 school year.

Often, Nutrition Services staff provide a warm personal connection for students as well as a nutritious meal. 

In one week alone, our staff serves approximately 12,000 breakfasts and 22,000 lunches! They also provide field trip lunches and food for special school functions. 

Thank you Nutrition Services staff for all you do for our students!