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SPS to Interview Candidates for Vacated Board Position

SPS to Interview Candidates for Vacated Board Position
Chakris Kussalanant

Springfield Public Schools is expected to interview candidates on Monday, August 26, 2024 to fill the recently vacated Position 2 on the Springfield Public Schools Board of Directors. In accordance with Policy BBC, the Board on August 12 declared the Position 2 vacancy following the resignation of Dr. Emilio Hernandez.

The Board of Directors plays a critical role in determining the long-range direction of the school district. The Board is instrumental in establishing policies that direct the instructional and support programs, approving the budget, calling elections for bond proposals, approving negotiated contracts with employee associations, and evaluating the superintendent.

Applicants must have lived within SPS boundaries for a year prior to appointment and must be registered to vote. Board members cannot be district employees. They are not compensated for their time or service.

The successful candidate will fill the Position 2 seat until June 30, 2025.