New Substitute Registration Process
Apply online through TalentEd Recruit & Hire.
*Please read the steps prior to clicking on the links provided*
- Begin the application process through TalentEd Recruit & Hire.
- Applicant will be required to do one of the following:
- Create a TalentEd account, or
- Log in as an existing TalentEd user with applicant's current username and password.
- Complete and submit the online Licensed Substitute Teacher application.
Electronic paperwork and hiring process
- Once the online application is received, HR will gather the required information.
- If the applicant meets all licensed requirements, they will be contacted to set up a drug screen appointment.
- Once the drug screen results are received, applicant will be emailed electronic paperwork, including information on the substitute system.
- Once paperwork is received, applicant will be asked to bring two forms of ID to the district office:
- Valid passport OR
- Two pieces of Federal- or State-issued identification (such as a current driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, military ID, etc.).
SafeSchools training and activation.
- After paperwork is complete and copies of applicant's ID are on hand, HR will send a SafeSchools link to applicant.
- Applicant is required to complete all SafeSchools training prior to starting employment with Springfield Public Schools.
- If applicant has already completed school safety trainings through another district for the upcoming/current school year, applicant may submit copies of the completed training certificates to HR or emailed to Linda Bridge at
- Once all of the above is completed, HR will activate applicant in AESOP, which will allow the applicant to search and accept assignments.
**If applicant needs additional AESOP training, HR will schedule an orientation based upon applicant's request.