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New Substitute Registration Process


Apply online through TalentEd Recruit & Hire.
*Please read the steps prior to clicking on the links provided*

  1. Begin the application process through TalentEd Recruit & Hire. 
  2. Applicant will be required to do one of the following:
    • Create a TalentEd account, or
    • Log in as an existing TalentEd user with applicant's current username and password.
  3. Complete and submit the online Licensed Substitute Teacher application. 


STEP 2  

Electronic paperwork and hiring process

  1. Once the online application is received, HR will gather the required information.
  2. If the applicant meets all licensed requirements, they will be contacted to set up a drug screen appointment. 
  3. Once the drug screen results are received, applicant will be emailed electronic paperwork, including information on the substitute system. 
  4. Once paperwork is received, applicant will be asked to bring two forms of ID to the district office:
  • Valid passport OR
  • Two pieces of Federal- or State-issued identification (such as a current driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, military ID, etc.).



SafeSchools training and activation.

  1. After paperwork is complete and copies of applicant's ID are on hand, HR will send a SafeSchools link to applicant.
  2. Applicant is required to complete all SafeSchools training prior to starting employment with Springfield Public Schools.
    • If applicant has already completed school safety trainings through another district for the upcoming/current school year, applicant may submit copies of the completed training certificates to HR or emailed to Linda Bridge at
  3. Once all of the above is completed, HR will activate applicant in AESOP, which will allow the applicant to search and accept assignments.  

**If applicant needs additional AESOP training, HR will schedule an orientation based upon applicant's request.