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Proof of Address Requirements

Students must reside within the boundary of the school at which they are enrolled unless a student has an approved within-district or inter-district transfer, or is verified as eligible to attend through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act. Parents or legal guardians* must submit proof of eligible residency each year.

Proof of address must be submitted at the time of registration if the student did not attend that school the previous year, or if documents mailed to the family have been returned to the school (considered a “new student”). For example, a student who was a fifth-grader at Yolanda last year and is beginning his sixth-grade year at Briggs must submit proof of address during registration at Briggs.

Proof of address must be submitted no later than October 1, if the student attended the same school the previous year (considered a “returning student”). For example, a student who was a third-grader at Ridgeview last year and is returning to Ridgeview for the fourth grade must provide proof of address by October 1. 

1. Parent or legal guardian* photo ID:

  • Current Oregon driver’s license
  • Current Oregon State ID card
  • Valid passport

- AND -

2. A document that includes the parent/legal guardian’s* resident address:

  • Current property tax bill
  • Current rental or lease agreement (must include parent/legal guardian name, address, property manager or owner name, and property manager or owner phone number)
  • Escrow papers

 - OR -

3. A piece of mail dated from within the last 45 days that includes the parent or legal guardian’s* resident address:

  • Electric bill
  • Water/sewer bill
  • Garbage bill
  • Cable/satellite bill


  •  State and federal revenue documents

* Legal guardians are required to furnish copies of court orders appointing them as guardians.

Post office boxes do not meet proof of address requirements. Only street addresses are accepted. Any address that falls outside the school’s attendance boundary must also have an approved transfer prior to enrollment.

If a family cannot provide proof of address or notifies the school that they are homeless, they will be enrolled and referred to the District’s McKinney-Vento Homeless Program, or Home Care Connection Team, for verification and referral to additional services. 

If at any time a student’s address is in question, the District may require additional verification. When falsified documents are discovered, the student will be required to enroll where he or she should be attending according to state enrollment law.

If the student has been approved to attend a school outside the neighborhood school, you must bring a copy of the approval letter.