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Title 1A in Springfield

Springfield Public Schools' Title I is a federally-funded academic program that counteracts the effects of poverty on students' academic success. Springfield Title I distributes funds to schools based on the number of poor children that attend rather than on achievement scores. This distribution ensures that successful schools will not be penalized by losing funds and that Title I funds will not be spread too thinly.

Title I is based on the premise that all children can learn to high standards when they are provided with equal, open access to educational opportunities. Our Title I funds are used to create opportunities that extend learning time, minimize pull-out programs, support instructional programs of advanced rather than rote skills, implement accelerated curriculum strategies rather than remedial curriculums.

The following are Title I schools in Springfield:

Elementary: Centennial • Douglas Gardens • Guy Lee • Maple • Mt. Vernon • Page • Riverbend • Two Rivers–Dos Ríos

Middle: Hamlin

High: Gateways

Springfield focuses its Title I dollars on early intervention in grades K-5. Our emphasis is on high academic standards with aligned curriculum, assessment and professional development. Schoolwide programs are the cornerstone of our Title program. Our schoolwide programs supplement, expand, and extend Springfield's reading and math curriculum.

Springfield encourages the use of empirically-based practices that result in real academic gains for our at-risk students. Through on-going research partnerships with the University of Oregon's College of Education, Springfield ensures that each child has the opportunity of meeting high academic standards.

Springfield Title I

Supports our district in providing high-quality opportunities for students in high-poverty schools to meet the same challenging state content and performance standards developed through the Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century and Goals 2000.

  • Promotes extending learning time in accelerated class.
  • Expands eligibility for schools to operate schoolwide programs that serve all children in high-poverty schools.
  • Establishes accountability based on assessment results that include the Oregon Statewide Assessment.
  • Emphasizes effective parental participation and advocates for high levels of family engagement in their student's program.
  • Focuses on researched-based professional development.
  • Supports a strong technology focus by providing schools with additional computers.

Learn more about the federal Title program on the U.S. Department of Education