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Talented and Gifted Program

Springfield Public Schools provides a district-wide Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program designed to meet the unique needs of individual TAG students.

  • The services provided to students in the TAG Program are intended to meet both academic and social/emotional needs.
  • Your child's classroom teacher is the primary teacher responsible for meeting the student's educational needs throughout the instructional program.
  • TAG students will also have the opportunity to spend some time with other students who have similar abilities or interests.
  • These opportunities may be organized differently at each school according to building needs.

SPS meets the needs of TAG students by acceleration of instructional level and pace according to ability.

  • It also offers enrichment opportunities.
  • With input from parents, individual student plans are developed to outline how each TAG student's unique needs will be met.
  • The written plan will describe student needs for adjusted level or pace of learning.

State regulations for TAG education require that parents have the opportunity to participate in the development of their child's instructional program.

  • Input will be collected from parents during the fall and spring conferences.
  • Individual conferences can also be requested at any time during the year by parents.

Students are selected for the TAG Program based upon teacher recommendation, parent request and student ability as measured by standardized achievement and/or various intellectual ability assessments.