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Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for ODE Initiatives

In 2022, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) implemented a new initiative, Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives. The guidance brings six programs together to create opportunities for improving outcomes and learning conditions for students and educators. The intent of the Integrated Guidance initiative is to streamline the grant application process while simultaneously aligning strategies to provide better outcomes for students. The six grants that are a part of the initiative include:

  • High School Success (HSS) is focused on improvement of graduation rates as well as career and college readiness.
  • Student Investment Account (SIA) is focused on reducing academic disparities while increasing academic achievement and meeting the mental and behavioral health needs of students.
  • Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP) is focused on continuous improvement of educational opportunities.
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE/Perkins) is focused on development of academic knowledge in addition to technical and employability skills for secondary students.
  • Every Day Matters (EDM) is focused on addressing chronic absenteeism through increased attention to student engagement, school culture, climate and safety, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and family and community involvement.
  • Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) is focused on creating and supporting cohesive systems of data collection and analysis, interventions, and support.

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Plan Summary

We believe, 1) every student can and will learn; 2) in eliminating inequities in student achievement; 3) in fostering safe, healthy and engaging environments; and 4) in promoting an inclusive culture that draws on the assets of students, staff and community.

Our plan directly aligns with our district mission, vision, and values and meets two state priorities: 1) meeting students' mental and behavioral health needs, and 2) reducing disparities and increasing academic achievement.

Blending and braiding investments, allows flexibility to strategically and intentionally support prioritized needs. The district will target program funds to sustain impactful investments from prior years while adding prioritized investments – based on assessment and feedback.

We expect to see the following outcomes,

  1. Implement a K-12 multi-tiered system of support, to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students;
  2. Increase access to academic programs by meeting students' academic, physical, and social-emotional/mental health needs: hire licensed clinical staff, hire academic interventionists, and develop building-based student success teams;
  3. Increase student achievement by increasing the ratio of adults-to-students – teachers, interventionists, and classified support staff;
  4. Improve support systems for students and families to access academic, behavioral, and social-emotional programs and services;
  5. Increase graduation rates for all students and across all demographic groups; and
  6. Align current district effort and interventions in SIA, HSS, Perkins, EIIS, EDM, and CSI/TSI (ESSA) interventions to create a seamless, unified intervention district-wide policy and approach.

We expect to use the following processes and activities to support outcomes and address needs:

  1. Design and implement a K-12 multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) focused upon the whole student; academics, behavioral, and social-emotional;
  2. Utilize data to inform decision-making in team settings, in all buildings;
  3. Provide equitable access to academic support and interventions;
  4. Provide equitable access to behavioral, health, and wellness support;
  5. Train staff in the areas of trauma-informed and restorative practices, to be used in conjunction with SW-PBIS structures;
  6. Hire district-based positions;
  7. Hire school-based positions;
  8. Provide professional development to improve individual and team-based skills;
  9. Establish a school-based student success team schedule;
  10. Monitor and assess student and family support services data;
  11. Alter student and family intervention plans to meet specified trajectories;
  12. Conduct a needs assessment regarding specifications for contracts with outside mental health providers;
  13. Create and negotiate contracts with outside mental health providers;
  14. Increase student achievement monitoring through creation of school-based teams that will meet minimally bi-monthly.
  15. Maintain annual subscription of a comprehensive data warehouse system to support student achievement monitoring;
  16. Enhance and expand dropout prevention activities that lead to improved access and removal of obstacles for at-risk students;
  17. Effectively invest in opportunities for post secondary coursework and access to all student groups;
  18. Increase the number of students prepared for postsecondary success through participation in CTE Programs of Study;
  19. Conduct a crosswalk analysis of current district efforts, interventions, and initiatives with our proposed SIA interventions / initiatives;
  20. Develop an elementary, middle, and high school intervention master plan;
  21. Develop a system of responsibilities for school-based team members; and
  22. Regularly assess, evaluate, and update the crosswalk master plans.