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Elementary Instruction

Mrs. Bernatz teaching a little girl math on the computer

Our elementary schools, grades K through five, represent the starting point for our Springfield students' K-12 career. In Springfield, we strive to provide a strong foundation that focuses on building lifelong learners. Across our system of 12 elementary schools, our dedicated and caring staff welcome students every day. 

Our Curriculum

Springfield Public Schools has currently adopted the following core subject materials:

English/Language Arts: Houghton Mifflin Journeys
Math: Ready/iReady
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

In addition to a strong academic foundation, our schools work to create positive learning environments for every student. Through the framework of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), each school has developed its own culture of a safe, positive, and caring community. 

Please contact your child's school for specifics about their program. 


Our Elementary Schools

Douglas Gardens
Elizabeth Page
Guy Lee
Mt. Vernon
Two Rivers-Dos Rios