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Dual Immersion

Amaya counting in Spanish during DI kinder class at Guy Lee Elementary

The SPS Dual Immersion Program is focused on bilingualism, biliteracy, and multiculturalism. It is designed with the goal of developing proficiency in both target languages, Spanish and English. Children learn core subjects in both languages. It also helps students better understand their native language and strengthens literacy, communication and critical thinkingkey skills for academic success.

Springfield Public Schools began its first dual immersion program, in English and Spanish, during the 2014-2015 school year. Each year we have added a grade level, and the program is currently serving K-9. Dual immersion gives students of both languages the opportunity to become fluent in a second language, much more so than simply a separate foreign language class.

Brochure in English  |  Panfleto en Español



Application for Dual Immersion

Families that are interested in applying for the Springfield's Dual Immersion Program, located at Guy Lee Elementary, must complete an application form. Application forms for the coming school year are available in late December.

In-district families who apply during the month of January receive the highest priority for the program. Both in-district and out-of-district families may also apply during the Open Enrollment period during the month of March. Applications will again be accepted after May 1 but will not be processed until after fall registration.

The Dual Immersion application process mirrors the District transfer application windows:

  • High Priority: January 7 - January 25
  • Phase 2: February 1 - June 25
  • Phase 3: Beginning July 1. Phase 3 requests will not be processed until after fall registration.
  • Students approved during the High Priority and Phase 2 windows do not need to reapply, unless they move from the District of approval.
  • School year only approvals and students changing levels (elementary to middle school or middle to high school) must reapply.

Students will be placed on waiting lists by lottery draw. Siblings of current students have priority over new applicants, who are admitted according to the following tiered priority:

  1. Students residing within Guy Lee neighborhood boundaries
  2. Springfield resident students who live outside Guy Lee boundaries
  3. Students residing outside Springfield Public Schools boundaries

Instruction Office personnel will maintain a list of students requesting inclusion in the Dual Immersion Program.

You will be notified in writing of your student’s status with the Dual Immersion Program.

Please note: This application does not guarantee enrollment in the Dual Immersion Program.

Every effort will be made to accommodate all requests for placement in the Dual Immersion Program. Once maximum capacity is reached for each grade level, remaining applicants will be placed on a waiting list.

In-district applicants who are accepted into the program, and applicants from other districts who apply and are accepted during the Open Enrollment period, do not need to reapply each year, unless they move from the address of the initially approved transfer.

Applicants from other districts who enter the program outside of the Open Enrollment window (space availability transfers) do need to reapply to the program each year.

Guy Lee Dual Immersion application acceptance windows will follow transfer open and close dates.

Dual Immersion Contact Information
Guy Lee Elementary
755 Harlow Road
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 744-6391

Apply for the Dual Language Program

Forms must be turned into the
Springfield Public Schools Instruction Office at 640 A Street
by personal delivery, regular mail, email or fax.