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Lola Smith inside the Cosmetology Studio Lab at Gateways High School

Career and Technical Education

We recognize the value of comprehensive and meaningful educational opportunities, which is why SPS supports Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. SPS students have access to more than 100 different CTE courses and 21 CTE Pathways that allow students to discover their future careers through rigorous academic courses, access to college credits and industry certificates, as well as personalized and career-specific workplace learning experiences. By making thoughtful and targeted investments, SPS is proud to lead in many career pathways in our region.


Programs in Our District


Support SPS Career and Technical Education

We believe that education is a community effort. Our schools face an uncertain funding future. Our community’s investment is critical to sustaining and increasing the quality of our local schools. Whatever ability you have to help, please consider investing in our shared future.


Student Internships and Job Shadows

Springfield Public Schools understands that our career technical education, or CTE, programs are strong drivers for student engagement and provide a foundation for our community's future workforce.

Our industry partners provide a critical validation component not available through traditional coursework.

Become An Industry Partner

As an industry partner, you will gain opportunities to build a talent pipeline for in-demand jobs and find meaningful ways to invest in your community's future. 

Contact us about becoming a partner

Other Ways to Get Involved

As a local business owner or industry partner you can:

  • Present at a school career fair or lead a career exploration in the classroom.
  • Host a networking event for students or lead a facility tour.
  • Coordinate a workplace learning experience (e.g. internship, apprenticeship, job shadows).


Generous donors like you help Springfield students succeed! 
If donating to a specific program, make sure to indicate which one in the comment section.

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